Feel good about supporting this wonderful organization and get some great ice cream! Find the store nearest you here.
(picture via Cold Stone website)
(picture via Cold Stone website)
(photo via bad ass)
R and I are big fans of zinfandel which dominates the TBD Rouge blend, so we thought we would give it a whirl. Note that the front of the bottle actually says TBD Red Wine and only says rouge on the back label. TBD Rouge did not disappoint. Despite it's high alcohol content, it was smooth, pleasant and thoroughly enjoyable. We felt that it was a great value and plan on going back to Trader Joe's to pick up a few more bottles to keep around.
(photo via Virginia Beach Wine Week website)
You can learn more from the Virginia Beach Wine Week website, but here are a few highlights:
(photo via Sunny Day Guide)
Finally after pestering everyone I know and love to go with me to the Belvedere, I made my way there for breakfast on a recent week day morning. I was the first to arrive and so I sat down in one of just a handful of booths, ordered a coffee and simply took in the beauty of the view. The coffee shop is directly on the Virginia Beach boardwalk and boasts unobstructed ocean views. With Labor Day behind us, the boardwalk was quiet and only a few people were walking about with their dogs. The ocean on this particular morning was about as calm as I've ever seen it which leant an air of tranquility to the coffee shop and to my experience. By the end of breakfast I felt like I had just done yoga, not eaten eggs and hashbrowns. My particular seat (as is the case with about half in the restaurant) directly faced the ocean and large glass windows provided panoramic views. Fear not if you end up sitting with your back to the ocean, as the wall you are facing hosts a large mirror reflecting the ocean views. I try not to gawk at the dolphins that grace us with their presence in the summer because this is a telltale sign that you are from out of town, but this morning I couldn't help oo-ing and ah-ing over the acrobatics they were displaying.
The restaurant is small and is apparently very crowded on weekend mornings, espeically in the summer. There were plenty of seats available on the that particular morning. The rest of the breakfast party (read: my parents) arrived and we ordered breakfast. We loved the feel of the restaurant -- very minimalist (playing up the great views) but in a classic diner by the sea sort of way.
The menu is reasonably priced. Two eggs and toast was $3.10. Dishes like Steak and Eggs are more expensive, but I don't think anything on the menu was over $10 (including lunch entrees). The wait staff and cooks were very kind and constantly mindful of the blinds, ensuring that views were maximized and squinting from the sun was minimized. We parked in the hotel's parking lot, but were sure to ask for permission from the gentlemen at the front desk. He assured us that it was no problem.